Birdsgrove House

We stayed at the amazing house for the birthdays girls weekend. We celebrated with the following

Matt, Bex, Kirsty, Suz, Paul, Megan, Lauren, Kat, Viv, Lu, Teresa, Clare, Ally

We arrived on Friday and had a home cooked chilli, followed by an exciting evening at the hospital

Apparently the chicken in the services was not recommended!

Saturday was cooked breakfast day – we soon had everyone enjoying the eggs!

Happy Birthday!!! (Di, Jon & Family)

Wishing you the best Birthday, Wendy.
It would have been wonderful to be there to celebrate with you!
I just had a lovely time going back through all my photos and reminiscing.
Here’s some of the memories 😃
With much love from Di, Jon and the family xxxx

Happy bday aunty!! (Brad)

Hey ya Wendy, i hope you have a great time away 🥰 been ages since we have caught up but I hope your staying safe and having a great time as well 💜 love ya lots…. I don’t have any oics but if I know Cassey, she will have enough for both of us 😁✌🤙

Happy Birthday (Sandra)

Happy 60th Birthday Wendy Woo I haven’t known you for all your 60 years, but not too much less. It is a long time since Mrs Stalibrass’ kindergarten, French skipping around a lamp post in Birdhurst Avenue/ Gardens, stories played on the LP record player, and zillions of games of Monopoly. Then there were the school holiday stay overs when we moved to New Barnet. Wow, there is a lot of memories from the 60s and 70s, and you even look just the same! It was great seeing you again in Brisbane about 6 years ago. Have a fabulous birthday, celebrate well, and hope to see you again sometime. Sandra XXX

Hiya Wendy Woo! (Penny)

Hope you have a fantastic 60th Birthday! 🎈🎂
Enjoy the pics (I’m sure I’ve got more but can’t seem to locate them!)
When did we get to be so old? 😩
Lots of Love
Penny and co. xxx